Lancer Gala Virtual Sweepstakes

Get Your Tickets Here!

It’s time to show that 716 pride! At just $50 a ticket, you will have a chance to win vacations, experiences, memorabilia, and more! You can’t beat those odds for that price!

Calling all Buffalo Bills fans! The next prize up is

Buy a $50 ticket for the chance to be selected as the winner of this prize!

Tickets will be on sale throughout August, with the winner to be revealed the following week. The more tickets you buy, the greater your chances to win!

Get Your Tickets Here!

Keep your eyes peeled on your email and our social media channels for updates and the big winner reveal by the end of August!

If you would like to buy a ticket with cash or a check (made payable to St. Mary’s HS), you can reach out to Mark Tramont, VP of Institutional Advancement at or (716) 683-4824 ext. 237. 
As always, thank you for your support!