Campus Ministry

Faith in action

St. Mary's offers a Catholic-centered education that integrates faith with knowledge and encourages students to apply both to improve the world around them. Students of all faiths are challenged to think independently and critically about what they learn and what they believe. They are invited to apply these skills to complex issues and to use their talents on behalf of others. Additionally, students have the opportunity to participate in a vibrant faith community where worship and spirituality inform and deepen one's intellectual life.

tlc0croppedCampus Ministry

We’re constantly working together to build our faith community. We are a family where we accept Christ into our hearts and live according to His teachings. The Campus Ministry Program serves to coordinate efforts toward this goal. Religion classes, class retreats, personal counseling, prayer groups, preparation and celebration of school liturgies, music ministry, visitation of the sick, faculty prayer life, as well as countless other religious and community activities find support and direction in this program. Class retreats are mandatory and required for passing religion class. Every student and faculty member is strongly encouraged to participate in whatever way time and talent allow.

StMaStuLifStudent Campus Ministry

Student representatives assist the Faculty Campus Ministry Committee by representing student ideas. Students help with liturgies, prayer life, community building activities, and awareness of social justice issues.


To achieve a sense of unity in the celebration of important moments in the life of the St. Mary’s community and to deepen our awareness of Catholic faith, all students will attend all school liturgies and prayer services.